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XBowling offers single bowler self-challenges, where the objective is to hit a specific score, beat your average, match a pattern of strikes or spares, and others.  We also offer multi-bowler contests, where the objective is to win a mini-tournament of 16 or 30 or 100 people all over the country, win a bracket of 8 or 16 or 64 or another size, or even win head to head against a single person somewhere else in the country. These multi-bowler contests can be scratch or handicap according the contest description.  We try to have something for everyone.


These XBowling challenges  use your existing league frame by frame scores and three-game set to potentially meet or exceed an individual challenge. It is you against yourself. If you can make goal, you win!  Even if you don’t make the goal, our frequent players claim these challenges help them improve their game and scores.


Winner must match a pattern of strikes shown for each frame in a full three-game set. Different patterns required by league average.


Winner must beat his/her league average (min 21 games) by 30+ pins per game in three-game set. Different payouts if one game, two games, or three games beat player average by 30+ pins.


Winner must exactly match pin drop count for player selected score that must be greater than ten pins below his/her league average.


Winner must match a pattern of marks (strikes or spares) shown for each frame in any single game of a three-game set. Different patterns required by league average.


These XBowling contests can be scratch or handicap and enable you to compete head-to-head, in a mini-tournament, or multi-round paired bracket against players in bowling centers around the country. Winning cash prizes and prize pools depend upon the game’s entry fee and number of contest participants.  There are many variations from which to choose.  Do you have what it takes to win this week?


Winners are top two handicap scores played in random bracket of eight contestants structured as three single elimination paired contests.


Winners are top ten handicap scores from a random group of 100+ total entry contestants.


Winners can achieve any one of multiple challenges with different payoffs. Only the highest payoff paid.

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